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Growers of Hillbilly Fruit. Pawpaws and Persimmons.

Italian Pawpaw
Medium size fruit
Not one of the best pawpaws for the UK
Ithaca Pawpaw Description
An Italian version of Pawpaw. There are other varieties of asimina triloba trees for sale in the UK that are far superior.
Pawpaws (Asimina Triloba) are related to custard apples and cherimoya, in the sugar apple family, and yet they grow in the temperate zone, having moved north as Ice Age glaciers receded. Flavours of mango, melon, banana, raspberry and pineapple come from this creamy fruit. Like many fruits, if you don’t know what you’re doing and you let them get bruised, or you pick them under-ripe they won't taste very good!

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