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Growers of Hillbilly Fruit. Pawpaws and Persimmons.
Kuro Gaki
Asian Persimmon

Asian persimmon.
Great flavour.
Dark blue fruit.
Kuro Gaki Asian Persimmon Description
Dark blue skin and orange pulp with chocolate tones. Seedless if not pollinated. The fruits ripen in the middle of autumn and it is advisable to consume them after softening as the amount of tannins decreases with increasing maturity. Kuro Gaki develops medium-sized fruits - up to 60g, with an oval shape and pointed tip.
Other persimmons we grow: Prok Persimmon, Barbra's Blush Persimmon, Prok Persimmon, Claypool H-63 Persimmon,
Dar Sophievki Persimmon, Nakitas Gift Persimmon, Gora Roman Kosh Persimmon, Vixen Persimmon and Moonshine Persimmon.

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