Growers of Hillbilly Fruit. Pawpaws and Persimmons.

Prima 1216
Excellent but mild flavour and texture.
Grows well in South UK.
Self fertile.
Very late ripening (issue in cooler years and Northern areas).
Prima 1216 Pawpaw Description
Prima 1216 Pawpaw is an extra-large, excellent quality, self-fertile paw paw strain so they only need one tree to make fruit. Very late ripening so fruit may not ripen in cooler summers or in northern areas.
Creamy, strongly aromatic pulp. The taste is reminiscent of mango, apricot, pineapple, banana and vanilla. Paw Paw is a fruit that tastes so inimitably good that it definitely deserves a place in the top ten of the world's best fruit varieties. Prima 1216 Pawpaw has a very mellow flavour profile that is enjoyed by people who haven't tried pawpaw before. For those that collect pawpaw varieties, Prima 1216 Pawpaw can lack flavour and is rather mild. Prima 1216 asimina triloba is a seedling of the well established Sunflower Pawpaw.
The variety Prima 1216 pawpaw forms oval-thick fruits. At maturity, they are soft (finger pressure) and are usually also slightly yellowish. Just cut the fruits and spoon them out.
If you only have room for one tree and live in the south of the UK, this tree is a good choice for being self fertile (you may need to hand pollinate). It does ripen late, so in cooler summers it may not fully ripen. If you have room for two trees you may be better off with two earlier varieties or a Prima 1216 with an earlier variety.
Pawpaws (Asimina Triloba) are related to custard apples and cherimoya, in the sugar apple family, and yet they grow in the temperate zone, having moved north as Ice Age glaciers receded. Flavours of mango, melon, banana, raspberry and pineapple come from this creamy fruit. Like many fruits, if you don’t know what you’re doing and you let them get bruised, or you pick them under-ripe they won't taste very good! Prima 1216 pawpaw trees and scions are available for purchase.